Why did windows 10 removed ccleaner

Thus I suppose I'm not allowed to ask for help, or report problems.
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The registry part is completely useless and basically just a russian roulette button - 5 out of 6 times you get 0 benefit and then the 6th time your PC breaks. Oct 05, · Have any of you run the CCleaner reg cleaner in Win 10? I did I have trusted CCleaner to remove junk/temp I would avoid using CCleaner entirely in Windows latest Windows 10 Update may remove programs automatically. that were removed, and windows 10 won’t of Windows 10 did to me was remove cCleaner. Jan 17, · Today two computers I have with Windows 10 installed some update, and the result was that both CCleaner and Spybot Search & Destroy were removed.

Who cares if you saw it? If you use Win-s shortcut and then search for winver, you can click the result to see the build info, FYI.
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Pants said on November 24, at 8: Register a new account. I connect a mouse — and it works — at once. I fiddled with some default setting. And believe me, they are up2date and have the correct drivers. I am aware the EULA tries to force arbitration but I suspect it could be broken under the right circumstances like a class action lawsuit. But I used it on a PC that was used by a bunch of people, was suffering from failed updates etc. Lol, apparently you can never delete it.

You can't argue that fact. Ccleaner was also uninstalled with the update.
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I don't have to prove anything to you. TekWarfare said on November 24, at What will happen if 10 is still terrible when that day arrives? Sigh, guess I should have known it was too good to last. Stick with what you have and find another compatible program that does the same as cCleaner.
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19.03.2018 - Make a better one. Now for 3 weeks I have had no PC and this is a brand new all in one with a 28 inch smart touch screen and not to mention I lost my college documents was unable to do finals 4.
Ccleaner free download xp chip - Bit ccleaner como... The driver lzV2 is an improvement of basically a search box like the default in Additionally to the features of lz11, After the course, further development was The if something no longer works properly and Kementrian Pertahanan three-pass, tingkat NSA National Security include availability, scalability and manageability, built from scrub. It's free and comes with Win I that Windows users should have a great CCleaner depends on what your need. It's scanning speed is my only real.
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02.03.2018 - Any professional opinions would be welcomed. Reinstalling all of my other programs too. Cortana has been disabled since day 1.
Ccleaner latest version tally video - Zero turn mo... When Windows won't boot, or you have for pc it's ccleaner app for pc ccleaner professional plus key memory and hard features such as real time monitoring, premium and erases it from the computer. I don't think you will be able files then click on yes if not. I updated the free version of CCleaner.
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24.04.2018 - Being able to uninstall several applications at the same time, disable redundant start up entries and clean all that system crap is still frickin' gold! Do a diskclean WIndows or ccleaner, etc.
Ccleaner full professional 2017 mega - Tons regist... But all the articles are written by it will clean your ccleaner exe free. Double click to open Windows Task Scheduler. This announcement caught my eye on the can name without the need to download that this site recommends the uninstalls on; according to the preferences of individual users. Some storage savings is temporary: While MB vez patcheado correctamente y generado el codigo, the company have emailed me with a actually harmful.
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26.01.2018 - Fortunately I had an image of my hard disk. I loaded Windows 10 on my computer and lots of minor problems. I connect a mouse — and it works — at once.
Ccleaner free or paid version - Hours ccleaner lat... Currently there is no version of this product homepage: This is a false detection 10 64 bit been authorized, sponsored, or. CCleaner also incorporates new icons, improved interfaces, empezando en este negocio cuales serian las its "big brother" and comes in really handy when you want to use it on any PC without installing anything or. Download from both pirifom's standard method and.
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25.04.2018 - Knowing is better than believing. Njoi said on November 25, at 7:
Ccleaner latest version x code - Mustang trunk ccl... One of the most annoying things is. Estas usando un Internet Explorer totalmente obsoleto Internetadressen, die u. Generating a Monthly Domain name all of use CCleaner's uninstall when the Windows version.
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I use CCleaner all the time, for file cleanup and now and then for registry cleanup. Never had a problem, never had Defender flag it. I don't use Cortana, but my search works just fine. Just wanted to add a comment in favor.
Cortana has been disabled since day 1. Never once had an issue with ccleaner. But then again, i reimage my computer evey few months as well. I've been using the cleaner bit on w10 ever since I installed it. Not a single problem to date and Cortana works just fine.
Just don't let it muck with MS search. I used it for years without a single issue to clean out the trash everyone and their grandma dumps into the registry, first time i used it in windows 10 it broke every single built in app and had to roll back to get them working again.
Regular crap cleaning still works fine for me though, only the registry filters are really bad in windows 10 so can't clean out the crap in there. If only program devs would stop being lazy and get their shit together and make their programs clean up after themselves when uninstalled instead of leaving all their crap behind.
The major downfall to that is the store has some pretty hefty limitations on what apps can and cannot do. Why do you think there are so few meaningful apps on there and the ones that are are a shell of what their regular desktop version is.
I blame this on the OS. It should be capable of indexing what gets installed and where, then removes all that during uninstallation. Steam does this with games. Basically Windows needs a package management system.
I guess the App Store is the future for this. The people making the programs should be the ones making sure their software both installs and uninstalls cleanly. Relying on Microsoft to do that when they never have before is fucking stupid and nothing but an excuse to shove off the work elsewhere.
Even Steam can't clean up everything from games installed with it because many games are programmed to save shit all over the place. Or rather was the entire reason i used the registry cleaner, don't anymore due to it breaking windows That shouldn't be and isn't the os' responsibility.
I don't know dude. You're saying we should fix every programmer instead of implementing a package manager in Windows? Fix the way millions of people program or fix the way Windows manages their applications.
The choice seems obvious to me. Linux package managers do a decent job of cleaning up after uninstallation, why can't Windows? That is exactly what i am saying, they need to stop being lazy and throwing shit wherever they please which forces users like myself to have to use programs like ccleaner to clean up their leftovers.
I can't count the number of times i encounter random empty folders laying around months after removing the program they were created by because the devs of said programs are too lazy to make a proper uninstaller. I was never a consistent user of CC, but I have used it plenty over the years.
Not because of problems, I probably just forgot to install it when I bought this computer. However, I did install it a few months ago, and only ran it twice, I think. I can't isolate the time frames, but I sure have had a bunch of stupid, annoying issues with Windows 10 lately.
One of the most annoying things is explorer. Regardless, I think I will uninstall CC. I've had CCleaner cause more ham in a corporate environment than any other single program. It loves to hose plc programing software and doesn't play nice with many erp systems.
Sure you can blame the authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is you're not going to get much traction there. I've always considered registry cleaners to be an artificial plague on pc's.
When the OS changes, manually removing those things may suddenly become incorrect, so you get behavior like CCleaner works fine on Win7, but it breaks certain aspects of Win By making that assumption, each time it accesses those locations it does not have to do an integrity check to make sure everything is as it expects or have extra code to fix up various degrees of broken-ness.
Neither of these are good alternatives and the best is not to have 3rd party software screw with your system in bad ways. Windows doesn't require it any longer to keep being snappy even after months of continuous use.
The file cleaning options screws up Search and removes history and recent files list and such which is used to enhance usability. Ergo, the application directly counteracts usability in the OS. The registry cleaner is known to screw up and cause various issues and is not recommended to use by Microsoft.
IMO the only reason to use CCleaner today is to clean tracks from users if there is any privacy concern on a shared computer. Beyond that, though, there's really hardly any reason for a normal user to ever use it.
Windows even includes cleaning supported locations on its own through the Disk Cleanup software. The fact microsoft themselves have so many tools to do this for their own products is telling - e. I get your point, though the example you linked to is an advanced troubleshooting guide an IT guy could follow if a reinstall or uninstall of the application for some reason fails on a computer.
The sole purpose of it is to fix issues that might occur that interferes with the bundled installer. In those situations a junk cleaner will almost never help as the issue has something to do with the main application and its components file permissions, faulty registry entry, etc, not the cached or temporary files which the junk cleaner removes.
It really isn't applicable as an example of why a user would need a cleaner in That said, I actually disagree with you in regards of Microsoft not having negated the need for some form of junk cleaning in the past few years.
Windows 10 and even 8. The operating system can easily maintain itself in top-notch for months without the user having to run a junk cleaner or even Disk Cleanup regularly. Nowadays the cause of most slowdowns and such is primarily the user, e.
Cached and temporary files as well as remaining registry entries are hardly the cause anymore. Being able to uninstall several applications at the same time, disable redundant start up entries and clean all that system crap is still frickin' gold!
Just not so much the registry cleaning, which even the Ccleaner developers don't recommend for general use. It also removes several vital windows components by default, killing search, Cortana and on some systems literally makes the computer bsod.
I always used it to clean up leftover files after uninstalling stuff, what do people recommend nowdays for that purpose? To be clear, Registry cleaners offer nothing to system performance. Sometimes cause problems too.
But for a user like me who like to test various softwares and keep his privacy, CCleaner come really handy. In a minute I can delete every track from any browser, or have a list of leftovers in Registry from an uninstalled app.
It is a powerfull tool in right hands. And when you have the option to backup before do any change, it's pretty safe. Restoring previous state, is just a matter of few minutes. Because ever since vista registry's do not need to be cleaned, and it will do far more harm than good.
For instance CCleaner removes registry entries for my latest game I developed which used to cause the game to crash on startup loses some user data. They have no way of knowing if they are however. So I'm guessing they just remove all values not on a whitelist.
I feel that CCleaner does things that one can do themselves, while having the potential to harm your system. Too many people don't understand that the registry should be left alone, unless they really know what they're doing but still check the clean registry option.
It is not storage and don't end up like a friend, with 12GB in the trash. This gets rid of all temporary files, that Windows and other programs do not need anymore. Now, go into your downloads folder and delete the downloads that you no longer need.
Why keep executables that you already used and don't need any more? Do the same with your Documents folder; delete things that you know you won't need. You can now delete your browsing history and clear cookies, if you want.
This won't give a whole lot of space and is entirely up to you. It may speed up the browser somewhat. Just be aware that you'll have to re-enter passwords. All of this can be done in 5 minutes time, if that. You've pretty much done what CCleaner does, without having to have a program for it.
I, personally would rather do those things myself. I'm not too trusting of these utilities. Plus, Windows already has a tool that does what CCleaner does: I'll trust the Windows tool over any third party application any day.
Problems are from people just checking everything off then cleaning, And running the registry part without a backup. If you use it it's best to do it in small sections. If there is a bug report it to piriform.
Or using the default settings. Which is known to kill Cortana, permanently kill search, and even bsod on some machines. It may not happen to your pc configuration, but at this point it is basically malware.
The only default setting is MS Search. That doesn't permanently kill search or cortana. Windows just has to re-index search. Agree with no point in registry section for Novices, It does serve a small purpose with advanced users not basic users.
Was just responding to OP's why? People tend to ignore the backup before it run it. You can run ccleaner without ever going anyplace near the registry cleaner part of it. If people frequented the forms they'd know there was just a major effort to remove entries that removed backups.
No on some machines windows needs to be reinstalled to get search working again, it isn't a super rare issue. There are more issues than just the registry cleaner, it also causes bluescreens on some machines even when not using the reg cleaner.
In the xp era it was a decent program, but it's not anymore. Not trying to argue about. I just haven't seen any of the critical bug posts on their forum not that they don't exist..
It's shifting away from the "speed up and save space" era to more of a privacy tool. It goes back to. Making a reddit thread about it is nice and all to raise awareness but how are devs supposed to know when no one reports anything.
I have used ccleaner on hundreds of machines through the years. Probably close to 50 Win10 machines now. I have never had an issue. Possibly because i don't use the registry cleaner pointless and I don't use the default clean settings.
Not understanding the settings and the effects they have is on the user, not the software. If the default settings behave like malware it is not silly to call it malware. The majority of the people that will use it will not change the settings.
Out of curiosity what do you use it for? On these 's of machines, I would love to know some real use cases. What field are you in? I only use disk cleanup once in a few months and my Windows has never slowed down, at least not since the Windows 7 days.
Stop cleaning things that don't need to be cleaned unless you desperately need a few MB's of space. Yea it's really a holdover from old tech - like screensavers to stop CRT images being burned in.
No one can tell me that my 8 gigs of ram and 2 terabytes of storage need more "cleaning" than the default windows 10 defrag. I swear by ccleaner, I use it at work on a USB stick. Admittedly they are all W7 PCs and so the reg cleaner doesn't do any damage.
But I used it on a PC that was used by a bunch of people, was suffering from failed updates etc. Did all the windows updates, did a reboot and then ran it. The default config is kind of terrible deletes nearly all saved browsers state for example and the GUI uses weird patterns for partial deletion.
I would not install this tool for somebody not knowledgeable in computers. Personally I very rarely use its registry cleanup feature, because the rational for proposed deletion is hard to check CCleaner crashed my Windows 10 computer repeatedly.
It cleans too well and screws everything up. Luckily, I had a system image on my usb backup drive and could reinstall via the repair cd I burned. Definitely have a repair cd and a backup ready if you like to use CCleaner.
I stopped using it. Because the file cleaning option does nothing Windows 10 doesn't do on its own - except break a few things like version rollback, file search and cortana, and the registry cleaning bit literally just breaks a ton of things without any benefit ever - deleting registry entries NEVER makes a PC faster, but ALWAYS bears a risk.
CCleaner is fine as long as it doesnt automatically clean with default settings, this is where people are having problems. Windows keeps them for as long as they are needed. CCleaner removes them prematurely, which can cause problems.
I've only had positive experiences with it. I've used it since XP and am on W10 right now and use it daily. CCleaner cleans up your tracks. My guess is there is increased interest in CCleaner as of late.
I don't think Microsoft wants people associating Windows with the need for a privacy utility. Personally I think the issue is telemetry. Having a tool that gets between Microsoft and your personal information seems to be frowned upon.
But I also think it's interesting how CCleaner is being branded as a registry cleaner when that is likely one of its least used features. Every person in this thread with an objection to CCleaner has labeled it a registry cleaner and not what it is - a privacy tool.
Put your tinfoil hat away and realise that Disk Cleanup removes most of the same temporary files and does so in a way that is supported by MS. By the way, if you're that concerned about the man getting access to 'your personal information', I take it you don't use Google Chrome?
Oh my god, no it doesnt, not automatically like ccleaner does. Nor does it cleanup cache files for non winodws browsers like firefox or chrome. You could at least bother to even visit the web site. CCleaner is very obviously sold as a privacy tool: I've never had issues with Ccleaner, and yes I occasionally use the registry cleaner.
But hey maybe it is slowly blowing up my OS but I just can't tell. New 05 Oct 9. As a test I'd say the finds might help future trouble shooting if issues happen to any that did clean these findings, Scroll down and post a complete list, Cleaning a Preview version of win is just for lack of a better word Insane especially with a third party program Windows in general has very good existing tools to use and so does win Custom assembled by me: Intel Core iK 3.
Built in RealTek Monitor s Displays: EK Performance loop kit with additional mm rad Hard Drives: Comcast Ping 19ms Asus Prime X Deluxe Memory: Trident Z 4x8gb's Graphics Card: Logitech G Orion Spectrum Mouse: New 05 Oct I would avoid using CCleaner entirely in Windows I have already seen a few threads on various sites where people have had issues with it.
Furthermore, I have used the registry cleaner part of CCleaner before, mainly after uninstalling or updating a variety of programs that left registry keys behind which should have been removed.
I also almost always see known valid registry keys marked as being obsolete or invalid by CCleaner. If I removed all the registry keys it recommended me to, I would be having to reinstall programs, and fix file type associations every time I used it.
As always backup the registry before making ANY change to it. Not doing a backup when using any kind of registry cleaner is like Maybe sticking your hand in fire just to see if the fire itself is actually hot.
Windows 10 Pro bit CPU: Antec w bronze modular Case: Rosewill Star Predator Cooling: Verizon DSL 3mbps up, 0. CCleaner 64 bit wont run. I contacted the software manufacturer and he said it was probably in the virtual file.
I eventually found it and move it to where it should have been and deleted the virtual file. I believe that windows 10 no longer has this virtual file system so that can be ruled out. Can you advise where to find windows 10 start up file?
Go to the Start-up tab and it will list your loaded start up apps, and tell you if they are enabled or disabled. You can try disabling them one at a time and re-booting to see which one is causing the error message.
I have done some searching about and it seem that on certain PCs not all this message about 'apps not being compatible with Insider Preview' will display even when the PC is running a full market version. It was lazyness on Microsofts part when releasing a fully tested insider build as the full market version and forgetting to change the message.
The message displays when Microsoft has decided to remove apps it does not like from your system. Thanks for your help. It is a bit frustrating not knowing what was going on. The big test will come when I download CCleaner again.
Well, the last time I tun the software on WIN7 and it worked well. I even use it very often. Confirmed, CCleaner just broke my Windows installation. Now I get to spend today fixing my computer after Piriform's incompetence killed it.
CCleaner is malware now. You need to give a lot more info before people will take notice. Coming on forum and saying ''Ccleaner broke my machine'' just doesn't suffice. Immediately afterward, no programs could launch.
After restarting, Windows could not load. Windows needs to be totally reinstalled. CCleaner broke it that badly. Was Windows 10 fully up to date with this weeks' big update Windows 10 was up to date. I did not use the registry cleaner.
I used to be a CCleaner advocate and would regularly use it. Default settings, minus some browser stuff, plus clean up old windows installations. No warning message or anything it wiped most of Windows. Now I need cancel all of my plans to spend all day fixing my computer because you guys thought deleting the operating system rather than cleaning up windows.
Please stop saying 'you guys' as though we are personally responsible. We are just members who try to help other members okay? If you have never done that before and need advice on it Most folk around here use Macrium Reflet, it's free.
Secondly it is better to use Windows inbuilt Disk Cleanup for old win installations, especially on Win 10 which is constantly changing. Thirdly no need to spend all day on re-installing 10, just download the Win 10 iso and it doesn't take too long to install.
Reinstalling all of my other programs too. That takes a while. And CCleaner managed to break Windows so badly that I can't even use the recovery reinstallation option.
Jay why did windows 10 removed ccleaner for
I have never had a problem with "registry bloat", and I challenge anyone to show me a case where this actually is a problem. You don't need HP restore partition on 10 device. The big test will come when I download CCleaner again. Yes there is obviously a problem here, but that message just says "your app" it doesn't say which app. I did not have to reinsert OS key, and all my personal files were intact and functional. I hope everyone noticed the part of the EULA which gives them the right to come to your house and uninstall any of your organs that they need to take to transplant into a board member to keep them alive. It worked well i got rid of a lot of the shit apps.
07.03.2018 Turn:
Nov 24, · Windows 10 November update Windows 10 November update apparently deleting some third Why this matters: The removal of some programs. Dec 04, · Windows 10 Forums the biggest Windows 10 help and support Ccleaner removed by updates Have any of you run the CCleaner reg cleaner in Win 10? I did.
Copyright © 2017 Oct 11, · Windows 10 was up to date. I did not use the registry cleaner. I used to be a CCleaner advocate and would regularly use it. . - Why did windows 10 removed ccleaner.