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One of the most difficult jobs in sustaining an upgraded driver database on your laptop or computer is trying to locate every individual driver on the internet. Serial killer Timothy W. Spencer, the first person convicted of murder on the basis of DNA evidence, was executed late Wednesday after a last flurry of appeals failed.
Spencer, known as the Southside Strangler, consistently maintained his innocence. He had no last words before being put to death in the electric chair for the first of four rape-murders he was convicted of committing.
Spencer arranged for his immediate family to visit him before the execution, said Wayne Brown, a spokesman for the prison in Jarratt. In the afternoon, the U. Supreme Court turned down his lawyers request to halt the execution.
A court spokesman said Justice Harry A. Blackmun cast the lone dissenting vote. It was the first scheduled execution for which a doctor declined to be present since the American Medical Assn.
Kapil, a prison doctor who regularly pronounces inmates dead, said he was taking a vacation day. State officials arranged for a private physician, Dr. Alvin Harris, to be present. Spencer was condemned for the murder of Debbie Dudley Davis, the first of three people from the south section of Richmond, Va.
The female victims were bound with clothing and household items, then raped and strangled or hanged. After his arrest, three criminal laboratories concluded that semen found at all the crime scenes came from Spencer.
Scientists said the chance the semen could match someone else was one in million. At the time, genetic testing had been tried in a few criminal and paternity cases, but never in a murder trial. And new results have implicated Williams in the death of at least one year-old victim.
When Patrick Baltazar s body was found dumped down a wooded slope behind an office park on February 13, , a forensic scientist discovered two human scalp hairs inside the boy s shirt. At trial, scientists from both the FBI and Royal Canadian Mounted Police would testify that, under a microscope, the hairs were consistent with those of Wayne Williams.
But that was only a matter of judgment, not exact science. In, defense lawyers for Williams raised the question of DNA testing on dog hairs which were on bodies of many of the 27 boys and young men found dead during the two-year murder spree.
The laboratory report found the scalp hairs had the same type of DNA sequence as did Wayne Williams own hair. Night on the bridge Video: Wayne Williams on trial. The DNA test implicating Williams would probably exclude 98 percent or so of the people in the world.
I don t think they said it was a match, Williams told CNN. I think they said they could not rule out whoever the hairs were from as being the possible donor. But retired FBI scientist Harold Deadman, who testified about the hair findings in Williams trial and later became head of the FBI s DNA lab, said it was the strongest finding possible with this particular type of testing.
None of the Caucasian or Hispanic hair samples in the data base had this sequence. When those samples are added in the total, then the odds rise to almost to-1 against the hairs coming from any person other than Wayne Williams.
The finding is not ironclad. Because the hairs were incomplete, the type of testing, called mitochondrial DNA, can trace only the maternal line. Only with nucleic DNA testing, which includes paternal lineage, could the results be absolutely conclusive.
Yet testimony at trial established various fibers found on the Baltazar clothing could be traced to a bedroom carpet in Wayne Williams home, his bedspread, a yellow blanket found under that bed, a leather jacket hanging in Wayne s closet, and a gray glove in his station wagon.
There were also dog hairs on the Baltazar body which prosecution witnesses testified probably came from the Williams family s German Shepherd, Sheba. When those dog hairs were sent to a genetics laboratory in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California, Davis, in, the report said Sheba had the same DNA sequence.
It said that DNA chain would be found in only 1 out of dogs. The Baltazar case was included among 10 other deaths presented to the jury in Wayne Williams trial, although he was not charged in any of those, and was convicted of murdering two adults whose bodies were found in an Atlanta river in the spring of Scientists considered the hair and fiber evidence in the Baltazar murder to be among the strongest of their cases.
However, the trial took place in the courts of Fulton County, which includes the largest part of Atlanta. Baltazar s body had been found just over the line in the DeKalb County portion of Atlanta, and trying to include his death among the Fulton County charges would have raised legal issues.
A judge on Monday exonerated a man convicted of three rapes after DNA evidence linked the crimes to a serial rapist wanted for assaults dating back two decades. O About, convicted offender DNA profiles o Over 6, forensic specimens On a regular basis, samples from the Washington State database are compared to each.
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In this latest version, Daemon Tools supported with Windows 8. Waukesha, WI breaking news, local news, events, weather, sports, schools, shopping, restaurants from Patch. The estranged couple will be reunited after Patch and their son, Joey, James Lastovic return to town unexpectedly, which gives Kayla both joy over seeing them again.
Steve Patch Earl Johnson and Dr. On the Internet message boards 5 the couple is often referred to by the portmanteau Stayla for Steve and Kayla. The couple was initially popular from through until the death of Steve.
Both characters have recently returned: Steve and Kayla were dropped off canvas in February Kayla returned in December In August, Steve returned to Salem. Steve Johnson was a former Merchant Marine who came to Salem working as a mercenary.
He had a vendetta against his former best friend, Bo Brady Kayla s brother who had gouged out his eye during a fight long ago. His bad boy image and criminal actions were no match for the beautiful good girl, Kayla Brady.
One night, he rescued her from a street gang and, eventually, the two fell in love. Steve pushed Kayla away, but she was undeterred. She kept trying to convince him that they were meant to be together. Kayla s family were opposed to the pairing, most especially Bo Brady, who believed Steve to be dangerous.
Steve received an incredible shock when his sister came to town. Adrienne had been born after Steve s mother had brought Steve and baby Billy to an orphanage. Steve had been 5, Billy had been a young baby.
Jo Johnson Steve s mother was afraid her husband Duke would kill the children or vice versa due to Duke s extremely violent nature. Steve wanted nothing to do with Adrienne or Jo, but deep down, he was yearning for the mother he had loved and hoped to see again.
Duke ended up raping his virgin daughter, Adrienne, when she refused to tell him where to find her mother. She shot him in self-defense when he staggered over to her to do it again, and then she blocked out the memory of the rape and the killing.
Steve tried to take the blame and developed a strong protectiveness towards his sister. Adrienne remembered what had happened just in time, during the trial, and Steve was exonerated. He started to push Kayla even further away, blaming her at first for not letting him kill Duke when he had had a chance before the rape and then fearing that he would be just like Duke, after his mother angrily told her children that Duke hadn t always been so bad when they confronted her on her decision to ever hook up with a man like him.
She told Steve that Steve reminded her of Duke in many ways, not realizing how painful those words would be. Their relationship would be challenged by the appearance of Jack Deveraux, a man who had fallen in love with Kayla in Hawaii.
Kayla did not return the love and kept their relationship as just friends. Jack hopefully pursued Kayla because he thought eventually he would win her over. The Deveraux Family hired Kayla to be Jack s private nurse when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin s Disease and quite ill.
Steve learned the truth that Jack was his own brother, Billy. When he did, he shunned Kayla, hoping she would end up with Jack so his brother would have someone special with whom to spend his seemingly final days.
Believing Steve was no longer interested in her, Kayla accepted a marriage proposal from Jack. Jack now played by Matthew Ashford recovered, but Kayla rebuffed every one of his attempts to consummate the marriage, unable to let her love for Steve go.
Jack assumed Kayla was just nervous because they didn t know each other all that well. He knew she didn t love him, suspected that there were still feelings between Steve and Kayla, but he still remained hopeful that she would someday love him.
Months later, Steve discovered Kayla was being poisoned. Suspecting it to be someone in the Deveraux house, and heartbroken that it could be his baby brother, he kidnapped her and the two made love.
They carried on their affair in secret. Kayla wanted to get out of her marriage, but Jo and Steve begged her to wait until Jack s political election had passed. A photographer snapped pictures of them kissing on New Year s Eve, while at the same time, a disconsolate Jack was searching for his wife at a party to do the new years countdown together.
A few weeks later, Jack won the political election and an unscrupulous reporter gave him the compromising pictures, intending to blackmail him. Enraged by her behavior and believing that Kayla and Steve had deliberately set out to hurt him, Jack confronted Kayla, and angrily raped her.
Steve discovered this, fought his brother, and nearly killed him when Jack fell off the roof where they were fighting. In the aftermath, as Jack suffered from failing kidneys, Steve donated one of his own to save his brother s life.
Jack resented - and even harassed - Steve and Kayla, but the revelation that he was Steve s brother and that his own father Harper had been a serial killer who had tried to poison Kayla would change his life, eventually for the better.
Steve saved Kayla from Harper once more, but Kayla ended up losing her ability to speak following surgery to repair her hearing. When Jack discovered that Kayla was deaf and that part of the reason she was deaf was the stresses in her life, including his own violent behavior, he sadly gave her divorce.
Steve learned to use sign language to communicate with her. Kayla s speech returned on her wedding day when she said I do to marrying Steve. A couple of years later, Steve s supposedly dead wife Marina resurfaced.
She didn t want to get back together with Steve, but instead asked for his help in finding a special key. A pregnant Kayla thought it was the best thing to do in the hopes Marina would grant Steve a divorce so they could truly be married.
Marina had every intent of rekindling things with Steve, but Jack, who was now well on his way to reforming did his level best to bring Steve and Kayla back together, despite Steve and Kayla s insistence that he stay away from them.
After going all the way to Italy and back, Marina ended up dead and Kayla was accused of the murder. Due to doctored videotape evidence, Kayla was sentenced to prison for ten years. She gave birth to a daughter, Stephanie, who Steve would raise while Kayla was in prison.
However, a deranged nanny kidnapped Stephanie. Kayla escaped prison and she and Steve followed the kidnapper to Australia where, along with Bo and Hope, they were able to recover their baby. Now a newspaper man, Jack Deveraux worked with Jennifer Horton his employee and future wife to help push public opinion Kayla s way and help find out who really killed Marina.
The evidence against Kayla was soon discovered to be a fraud when Isabella, Marina s sister remembered that she had killed her sister during a violent altercation and Kayla was allowed to return to Salem, a free woman.
Steve and Kayla were married again in, this time with Jack Deveraux as best man. The incident with Marina had changed his relationship with Steve and Kayla and Steve was tentatively trying to welcome his brother into is life.
Kayla, while always uncomfortable around Jack, tried to make peace with their past and allow the relationship to grow between the brothers. Tragedy would strike, however, when Steve was caught in an explosion aboard Bo Brady s boat.
It was no accident; the explosion was meant to kill Bo and was planned by the evil oil baron Lawrence Alamain. Steve survived the blast, but because he thought Steve had evidence against him, Lawrence had Steve s IV poisoned.
With a grief-stricken Kayla at his side, Steve died. However, an empty coffin was buried in his grave. Presumed dead after his car went into a river, Jack Deveraux was on his deathbed in a hospice. He was awaiting death, and refusing to let his wife Jennifer, daughter Abigail and mother Jo know he was still alive, hoping to spare them the agony of losing him yet again, as he has died more than once.
A caring orderly tried to see if he wanted anything to eat or drink and a delirious Jack was shocked to see that it was his brother Steve Johnson. Jack could not believe his eyes. Intrigued by the possibilities, and driven by his brother s earnest pleadings that he return home, he convinced Jack to return home as well.
Everyone was shocked when Jack interrupted the ceremony. Meanwhile, overwhelmed by the pain of returning to Salem where she had enjoyed such a short time of joy with Steve, Kayla was crying at Steve s graveside at the cemetery at the church, unable to sit through the wedding without breaking down.
Suddenly, Steve approached her from behind, asking her if she was okay. The shock of seeing her long lost love caused Kayla to faint, but when she awoken, her wildest dreams were confirmed: Kayla was overjoyed and has tried not to pressure Steve, who is clearly suffering from amnesia.
He has shared the memories he does have, but continually tells Kayla he has no memory of her. Kayla and Steve have spent a lot of time together trying to stir up memories, but upon a visit to Cincinnati, Ohio - Nick Stockton s old stomping grounds - it appeared as though Steve was giving up on those missing memories and on Kayla.
She returned to Salem, and Steve would almost immediately follow her. Steve s daughter Stephanie also proved to be a great draw for him, as the young woman joyfully welcomed her thought-dead father into her life. Steve began to push Kayla away again, trying instead to make a love connection with Billie Reed whom he thought to be more like himself than the classy Dr.
At the same time, his brother Jack made a complete recovery and left with wife and son to head up the London Spectator news office. Jack begged his brother to give his love with Kayla a chance, telling him that Kayla and Steve were meant to be together, which was full circle from the times he tried to tear them apart.
Having no memories of his darker past with his brother, Steve was moved and affected by the younger man s words and outpouring of brotherly affection, but he still could not make the move towards a life with Kayla. His daughter roundly scolded him for bringing Billie with him to watch her race she races cars and Steve blamed himself when Stephanie was critically injured during the race.
Tearfully at her bedside, he had a flashback to holding her as a baby. He still doesn t remember Kayla, but now he remembers Stephanie and he s terrified of how much it hurts to love her, especially as she lies near deaths door.
Steve and Kayla were poisoned by a biotoxin a month later, in November Steve recovered, but Kayla, hovering near death, fell into a coma. Steve pretended to get his memory back with the help of notes of his history with Kayla, provided by Bo and Hope to give her the will to carry on; it worked, and Kayla woke up, weak but responsive.
Before John and Marlena could get back from Canada with the antidote for Kayla, she flatlined, and Steve became hysterical; he lifted her up and gave her a long kiss, and miraculously, her heart started to beat again.
John and Marlena got to the hospital, the antidote was administered, and Kayla began to recover. After Kayla was released from the hospital, Steve remained by her side, but was distant; because of her fragile, still-recovering state, he was hesitant to tell her that his memory had not really returned.
However, Kayla suspected the truth, as he was distant. To find out for certain, she asked Steve to take a trip with her to the bungalow where they had hid from Victor Kiriakis nearly two decades earlier; she wanted to test his memory there.
Steve, not knowing that Kayla suspected the truth, reluctantly agreed. Once at the bungalow, Steve decided to tell Kayla the truth: Heartbroken but strong, Kayla surprised Steve by telling him that she had already knew that this was the case.
She excused herself, going to another room to silently cry. Steve promptly fell asleep on the bed, and began to have flashes of memories and dreams of Kayla. Waking up in the middle of a dream, he thought that he and Kayla were on the run from Victor Kiriakis, something that had happened nearly 20 years prior.
Entering the room Kayla was in, he frantically vowed to protect her, as Kayla, shocked, didn t understand what was going on. The flashes of memory became more intense, and Steve, with Kayla holding on to him in an attempt to snap him out of his erratic state, fell; catching his breath, he realized that his memory had returned, telling Kayla tearfully, I remember loving you.
Kayla was skeptical, but Steve, at first, was oblivious; he was so overjoyed at having his memory back, trying to tell her every memory at once. He soon noticed that she was crying, and was shocked, asking her what was wrong.
Kayla replied that she didn t know if she could believe that he had really gotten his memory back, especially not after how he had previously pretended to remember her. Horrified, Steve grabbed her and assured her that he, Steven Earl Johnson, her one-eyed tomcat was indeed back.
Overcome, Kayla ran out of the bungalow, crying, with Steve chasing her. Coming back, she nearly fainted still recovering from the biotoxin poisoning and he caught her, holding her close and assuring her that everything would be fine.
After more desperate pleas from Steve to believe in him, and after he signed courage to her as he did on their wedding day, Kayla relented; they reunited passionately. Over the next year, , Steve and Kayla would overcome the consequences of Steve s brainwashing by Stefano DiMera, who had used him as a pawn.
Kayla deprogrammed him after several months of pain and terror. That summer, Steve would act as a go-between between the DiMera family and the Bradys, as he attempted to discover what the DiMeras were up to by infiltrating their mansion as an undercover agent.
Also around this time, Kayla began thinking about adopting a child so she and Steve could experience raising one together. Kayla was working at the hospital when she discovered an abandoned baby boy there, and instantly fell in love with him.
With some convincing, Steve agreed that they would become the foster parents of the baby boy, nicknamed Pocket by Kayla. After a couple of months, however, Pocket began getting sick, and had to be hospitalized. During this time, Philip Kiriakis discovered he had a son, an in-vitro baby with Mimi Lockhart.
Steve, Kayla, and Philip all learned that Pocket was really Philip and Mimi s son, whose real name was Tyler, and who had been abandoned by the surrogate who gave birth to him. In the end, a young couple who had been caring for the baby after he was taken away from Steve and Kayla expressed a desire to adopt him, and Steve and Kayla, though heartbroken to lose the little boy, agreed that the child would be well off with the adoptive parents, as did Philip.
Steve and Kayla then had to deal with the rape of their daughter, Stephanie, by Ford Decker, who afterwards had died in an accidental fall. On May 16, , in an emotionally charged episode, Kayla gave birth to her and Steve s baby boy, who arrived three months prematurely, and was not breathing at birth; he was immediately transported to the NICU of Salem University Hospital.
Devastated yet hopeful, his parents are now dealing with the aftermath. The baby boy has been named Joseph, to be known as Joe Johnson. Steve and Kayla were part of a growing supercouple phenomenon on Days of our Lives, largely starting after Luke Spencer and Laura Webber from General Hospital took the daytime world by storm and enthralled viewers with their adventurous and romantic storylines.
In contrast, Kayla had been raised in a happy, content family, and grew up with loving parents and siblings. At times, Steve felt it impossible for them to really have anything in common. However, the show stuck by the couple and their pairing was and remains one of the most successful partnerships in DAYS history.
They were ranked number 19 on the We Love Soaps 50 greatest soap opera couples of all time. In addition to being popular with viewers, Steve and Kayla were also featured regularly in soap opera magazines, appearing on numerous Soap Opera Digest covers, and appearing also in the now-defunct magazines Daytime Television and Soap Opera Update.
Their wedding in, occurring over the course of two episodes, Days of Our Lives went to number one in the ratings, something that had not happened for 14 years. They were honored with many accolades, including an honor bestowed by Soap Opera Digest, Favorite Couple, in In the Best Worst issue, they were singled out as having the best wedding.
Stephen Nichols was also nominated for a Daytime Emmy in Many fellow actors and co-stars have praised the magic of their partnership, with one writer from Soap Opera Update quoting that There was Bogie and Bacall, Tracy and Hepburn, and Scarlett and Rhett.
Then there was Patch and Kayla. I feel so behind in these. But I m gonna keep truckin along. At the very least, this will be a great way for me to look back over the years and see what we learned each year. Also, let me note that not everything on our to do schedule gets done all the time.
These are all activities that I think would be fun and helpful but if the boys particularly like one activity, I let them spend longer on it, or some activities take longer than anticipated and we don t get all the way down the list.
I usually try to list the activities in order of preference. The boys are fascinated by eggs so I knew it would be a good choice for letter E. Dinosaur eggs, bird eggs, chicken eggs — they love to eat them, seek them and read about them.
We have a few books about eggs already at home, but I found a few new ones for us to read from the library:. I had pre-filled 12 Easter eggs with black beans numbering from and hid them around the playroom. I sent the boys off on the hunt to find them all.
Once collected, I had them one by one open them up and count the beans. Then they had to match the number of beans inside the egg to the correct number in the egg crate. We ve been really working on recognizing numbers with the boys, so this was a great activity for that.
After this activity, I swapped out the beans in the eggs for little slips of paper that had a variety of egg laying animals printed on them and hid the eggs for the boys to find again simply because they are 2 and 4 and love egg hunts.
I cut out two large egg shapes, one for each boy. We had an egg poem from here, glued it to the egg, and then glued all the animals around the poem. A few days prior, we had gone to our favorite little Asian foods store around here — Wing Wa.
We picked up some duck and quail eggs. We hadn t ever had duck eggs and these were a little too salty for us, so we lovingly passed them on to our neighbor-friends who are also homeschooling, doing letter E and EGGS.
We DO love quail eggs though. They are so tiny and cute — we ve been getting these for years because they are the perfect bite sized protein snack for little hands. We most often hard boil them though they do make the most adorable little fried eggs you ve ever seen..
Zeek ended up being sick one of the days this week, so we lumped Eyes Ears together into one day, which seemed fitting anyway. We had a couple uh, graphic surprises as we turned some of these pages and some some very detailed looks at these body parts As in, cadavers that were flayed open and photographed.
But thankfully, the boys were really into it. Eye to Eye was a really fun book that showed different eye shapes and functions of a variety of animals. I had completely forgotten about these little gems until I spotted one at the library.
These were my favorite back when I was in about 2nd grade And I should probably bust them out around that time again for Zeek, because he was too young to be able to grasp the concept of what he was supposed to do and these books ended up being a major source of frustration to him because he couldn t quite get the hang of it and couldn t see the hidden picture.
Many tears were shed over these two books:. After we learned all about eyes and ears and their functions, we sifted through several magazines and cut out any good photos of eyes or ears that we could find. Then Asher took on gluing the ears in a collage, and Zeek took on eyes.
I had previously recorded different sounds around the house on my phone the microwave beeping, the garage door opening, the signal on the washing machine, markers being shaken in their container, the paper cutter arm being moved up and down, etc..
I played each one and had them guess what the noises were. I was pretty impressed with how quickly they got them correct. I took a wind up timer and hid it around the house in a few locations and had them try to hear the soft tick tick of the timer and see how close they were when it went off.
I was super excited for Earth. I knew that Zeek would enjoy learning about it, plus I had a Magic School Bus movie on the agenda — holla. I am determined to make him a lover of it. Before the flick though, we read some books and learned the basics about Earth and also briefly about the solar system.
And finished off with a zoomed in shot of our street which I didn t photograph because, you know. The boys each made one of these books, which they thought was pretty great. They have them stored in their desks. I love when they love an activity that we do so much that they keep them with their special school stuff.
And that about wrapped up Letter E. We have had Letter F G weeks, and are currently taking a break this week for Thanksgiving and just doing some fall related activities. Letter H will resume next week — and hopefully I can get F G posted sooner than later.
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Your priority is to get the person to a hospital at a distance of 2 hours. The wound is bleeding and needs to be kept clean and bacteria free till the person reaches the hospital. What will you do?
Think of a solution. It is quite close to you. With all due respect, Professor Boyd, your argument is not at all compelling. It seems that you are taking the "thinking outside the box" TOTB metaphor much more literally than it is intended or, at least, as I and may others infer.
To refer to TOTB as "dangerous" is naive, at best. I, personally, have seen the positive, tranformative effects of not only the 9-dots exercise, but also the occasional use of the term to remind individuals after-the-fact about the value of thinking differently.
The experiment you refer to doesn't even come close to proving what you suggest that it does. To use the term "proving" in an argument like this is laughable. In real life, you absolutely WILL find boxes Here, the term is not literal; rather, it refers to a mindset, a perspective, a belief, or an assumption.
It is precisely how the human mind works. We all think in boxes all the time. The "sin," if you will, is not in thinking inside of a box A different -- and very healthy, positive, and productive -- way to think about TOTB is to understand that it merely represents an insight that can remind an individual to consciously become aware of limiting assumptions.
And, upon such awareness, to open ones mind and imagination to actively explore new possibilities beyond the obvious or initial answer. If you don't regard this as valid contribution to creativity, then I suggest you consider spending a bit more time outside of that "box" that you've presented here.
I couldn't have said it any better TOTB is a beautiful skill to have. We are born into multiple boxes that are created upon social agreements e. Saying that TOTB is a negative thing is a very conservative statement and someone who has such a belief is scared of change, scared of diversity and scared of anything that is abstract and out of order.
I think much of which is vaguely labeled "creative thinking" is actually the result of healthy skepticism. We should make a habit of challenging conventional wisdom and the way things have always been done. On encountering the conventional approach, our attitude should be doubtful: Fold the paper so all the dots ovelap.
Use four lines to connect four dots. Hold the folded paper up to the light For that matter, you could fold the paper until all the dots overlapped and you would not need to waste any pencil lead; Thinking outside The Box.
Use a very wide pencil lead or charcoal block for that matter, connect all the dots in one fell swoop; Thinking outside The Box. Forego a pencil altogether and use a bucket of paint to create a huge blot over all the dots; Thinking outside The Box.
Question the dots and why they need to be connected in the first place; Thinking outside The Box. Erase the dots; they are a distraction to Thinking outside The Box. Create your own dots and lines in any fashion you desire; Thinking outside The Box.
I play chess with my pc, an beat it all the time, and the reasoning is I do not think logically, like the pc does. Also when you go the a school that teaches how to think about something, that is all you know how to do.
I have had engineers come to my deck, hand me a set of blueprints, because that was the way they were taught. They are never taught to look at it, in there mind to see it working. What I do is show them how wrong they are, an ask them what tool in the world can cut a square hole inside the middle of two long tubes.
If was going to tell you about an airplane the TR-3B, it travels a little bit under light speed, an it uses nuclear fusion, which turns into plasma an powers the craft, that was built outside the box.
You my brother, do not have the inkling of understanding to think outside the box. Get Listed on Psychology Today. Drew Boyd Inside the Box. The truth behind the universal, but flawed, catchphrase for creativity. That's pretty much what I Submitted by Anonymous on February 6, - 4: These same ETA and Valjoux base movements are used in watches ranging from half to several times the price of a Seamaster.
But each watch manufacturer varies in how much they modify, retest, or certify the movement before putting them into their watches. OMEGA makes a number of their own modifications to these already high quality movements and then has the automatic ones.
The Valjoux has been a similarly popular movement since its introduction in It is used as the. OMEGA s method of measuring the watch s diameter is across the BACK of the watch, starting betweent he top lugs and measuring down to between the bottom lugs.
Other people often measure across the bezel--causing confusing reporting of two different sizes for the same watch. But either method does not include. Weights are approximate and include standard bracelet. Actual weight varies based on number of links removed when bracelet is sized.
Wearing the watch on a leather, rubber, or sharkskin strap instead of the bracelet further reduces the weight. The purpose and function of the helium relief valve is a common point of confusion. It has nothing to. Neither does it have anything to do with the depth rating for a diving watch.
To put it simply, you can completely ignore the helium relief valve. This feature is not used in any. This feature is so exotic that it really exists mostly as a curiosity. It makes the watch look more. Opening the diver s extension: The diver s extension is a portion of the bracelet clasp that, when popped open, extends the length of the.
This allows it to instantly change from being sized to fit. While interesting, this is. Though it could be used to wear. One critical point to note when operating the diver s extension is to ensure you have closed it properly.
The small flange on the extension must fit under the crossbar. Failure to close it properly can interfere with the main bracelet clasp--causing the clasp to. The pattern is much more subtle than most photos or jewelry store lighting would have you believe.
The wave pattern on the dial is a distinctive feature of the Seamaster line, so most of the official OMEGA photos you see of. While it points out this distinguishing feature, it also creates a false.
Similarly, the intense halogen spot lights used in many jewelry. So they also over emphasize the wave effect. But outside of the intense light in these two situations, the pattern is pretty subtile -- almost more of a soft texture.
If you have concerns that the patterns might annoy you, please go see the watch at a dealer, away from the obligatory. Seamaster model line starting in is easier to read at night than the skeleton hands on the classic.
The greatest limitation of the skeleton hands at night is. This may cause your eyes to take a couple of seconds longer to focus on and. The prior versions of the Seamaster Professional, known as the pre-Bond versions did have black dials.
The black dial resurgence continued with the additional Seamaster. Pro models introduced in the model line including many with black dials accompanied by black, steel, or white gold. Yet none of the editions that have had black dials or black bezels have had the skeleton hands.
So if you see a skeleton. For more detail on counterfeit watches, see the section on. Misperceiving the color is not unusual. People can easily mistake the dark navy blue on the James Bond Seamaster.
Blue shades are harder than most colors for people to discern because the human eye has a relatively. Dark blues are inherently harder photograph and reproduce, since they are lower energy wavelengths -- and.
Printed photos and on-screen images are notorious for inaccurate or misleading color reproduction. The intense halogen lighting of a jewelry store is designed to make diamonds sparkle. But dark blues can be washed.
This effect is particularly prominent. Sapphire display backs are standard on the Aqua Terra so you can see the operation and quality of finish on the movement. The regular 38 and 41mm models, available in steel or yellow gold, use the new OMEGA Coaxial Chronometer movement, which is unique to the Railmaster.
Another unique characteristic of the Railmaster is that -- consistent with the original Railmaster -- none of the models have a Date feature. Sapphire display backs are standard, so you can see the operation and quality of finish on the movement.
The Railmaster models incorporating Coaxial movements have a three year warranty instead of their usual two-year. However, when the modern Railmaster was first introduced, it was only one style of metal and dial color,. So it did not merit becoming a whole line of its own.
Though it has since. Black dial with luminous hour markers and radium luminous hands of Broad arrow, Dauphine or Stick type. Special thick mat black dial 1 mm vs. Sapphire see-through display back, showing off the movement inside.
OMEGA Coaxial movement with free-sprung balance 38 and 41mm models only s, offerring reduced wear and greater stability of operation over long periods of time. I had been considering upgrading to a premium watch for a year.
Finally zeroed in on Omega after relentless research during this period. One of the biggest. What different Seamaster watches are available. OMEGA currently makes several models of Seamaster watches, with numerous sub variations of color, bracelet.
I hate to say it but me and the Cosmic haven t been getting along that well lately. I can trace it back to the time I fitted an original Omega Black leather watch. October 29th, at pm. I like good value Omegas. I m close to buying an Omega Seamaster Professional m Titanium blue face.
These are fairly rare and it s not easy to find information on them. Omega Seamaster Automatic Chronometer Ref. Stainless steel case and bracelet, case. The UK s premier outlet for luxury watches. Buy your preowned Omega watch online today.
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Compliant Implementation means a portion of a software or hardware product that reads or writes computer files compliant with the DNG Specification. Essential Claim means a claim of a patent, whenever and wherever issued, that Adobe has the right to license without payment of royalty or other fee that is unavoidably infringed by implementation of the DNG Specification.
A claim is unavoidably infringed by the DNG Specification only when it is not possible to avoid infringing when conforming with such specification because there is no technically possible noninfringing alternative for achieving such conformity.
Essential Claim does not include a claim that is infringed by implementation of a enabling technology that may be necessary to make or use any product or portion thereof that complies with the DNG Specification but is not itself expressly set forth in the DNG Specification for example, compiler technology and basic operating system technology, b technology developed elsewhere and merely incorporated by reference in the DNG Specification, or c the implementation of file formats other than DNG.
Adobe may revoke the rights granted above to any individual or organizational licensee in the event that such licensee or its affiliates brings any patent action against Adobe or its affiliates related to the reading or writing of files that comply with the DNG Specification.
Any Compliant Implementation distributed under this license must include the following notice displayed in a prominent manner within its source code and documentation: The rights granted herein are provided on an as-is basis without warranty of any kind, including warranty of title or noninfringement.
Nothing in this license shall be construed as a requiring the maintenance of any patent, b a warranty or representation as to the validity or scope of any patent, c a warranty or representation that any product or service will be free from infringement of any patent, d an agreement to bring or prosecute actions against any infringers of any patent, or e conferring any right or license under any patent claim other than Essential Claims.
Click on the tabs below to read the key messages and discover what you need to do. You will see this message when setting up your PIN for the first time if the two entries do not match. Press either the green or yellow button to return to the PIN setup and input your PIN again twice, ensuring that both entries match.
Your PIN can be made up of any numbers as long as they don t follow a logical or sequential pattern, for example or Press the green button to enter your PIN again. Even when you next turn it on, your device will remember the number of failed attempts you have made.
After the third incorrect attempt FAIL 3, the device will become locked. Please click on the next tab to find out more. If your device is locked, it will display a seven digit code on screen whenever it is turned on.
This is called a Lock PIN code. If you press and hold a button for more than 7 seconds, the device will switch off to preserve battery life. After its first appearance, the bAtt message is displayed for two seconds each time the device is switched on.
After two seconds, the device works as normal. Please contact Personal Internet Banking Helpdesk to arrange for a replacement device to be sent to you. Can t see your message in the tabs above. Think of a PIN between 4 and 8 digits long.
You should avoid using sequential or repeated numbers such as or Enter this in to your Secure Key. Press the yellow button. If you make a mistake entering your PIN, you can use the green button to delete the last digit you have input.
You have successfully set-up your PIN. You can now use your Secure Key to generate a security code. Press the yellow button and repeat the steps to set up a PIN. The PIN should be between 4 and 8 digits long and should not be sequential or use repeating numbers.
For example - you should avoid using or Secure Key is waiting for you to enter your PIN. The number of dashes shown on the screen, is equal to the number of digits in your PIN. This is the welcome screen. You will see this once your PIN has been accepted.
Press the green button to generate your security code. The PIN entered is incorrect. Press the green button lightly and quickly - do not hold it down. This will return you to the PIN entry screen. You will then be prompted to input your PIN for the third time.
The entered PIN is incorrect. The Secure Key is locked and will need to be reset. To do this start to log-on and enter your user ID. Follow the on screen instructions. To continue using Internet Banking, you will need to unlock it.
A reset code needs to be generated to unlock the Secure Key. Once you have the reset code, press the green button lightly and quickly - but do not hold it down. You will then be prompted to input the reset code.
Secure Key is waiting for you to enter your PIN reset code. Input the seven digit PIN reset code. The PIN reset code has been entered incorrectly. You will then be prompted to enter the reset code again. You should ensure that you are entering the reset code exactly as it appears on screen.
The PIN reset code was entered incorrectly for the third time. The Secure Key is now temporarily locked. This message will remain on the screen of the Secure Key until the lock out has expired, then the Key will automatically power off.
Press the green button lightly and quickly, do not hold it down and enter the same PIN reset code again. You should ensure that you are entering the code exactly as it appears on screen.
The PIN reset code was entered incorrectly for the fourth time. You should ensure that you are entering the reset code exactly as it appears. Secure Key is unlocked and a new PIN needs to be set-up.
Your confirmation PIN did not match the first. The new PIN you have entered is not safe and could be guessed. Please enter another PIN. For example - you should avoid using sequential or repeated numbers such as or One of the buttons on your Secure Key has been held down for too long.
To save battery power, Secure Key will automatically power off. The battery power is running low. Don t worry - there are still approximately 2 months of power remaining. You should order a replacement Secure Key by calling Don t worry - there s still approximately 1 month of power remaining.
The battery power is running very low. There is only minimal power left. You should order a replacement Secure Key as soon as possible. You can do this by calling Manage your money anytime. Fast and easy to use, our internet banking lets you access your account 24 hours a day.
Optic pro p driver download and installation. Download this Plustek Scanners device driver, then follow the procedure below. If you need help, let us know. The computer drivers from Plustek are found through the links above.
Thank you for using our. Posted by adil on March 09, at: OpticPro P driver download and installation. Opticpro p scanner drivers download; driver plustek optic slim xp 32 bit; optical pro scanner driver; optical pro scanner drive; Opticpro driver.
Plustek Optic Pro p driver. This page contains drivers for optic pro p manufactured by Plustek. Please note we are carefully scanning all the content on our website for viruses and trojans.
Con l ultimo sistema operativo di casa Microsoft, Windows 7 64 bit in tanti abbiamo avuto problemi nell installazione di vecchi scanner di cui nemmeno il produttore rilascia driver aggiornati. Durante le numerose installazioni fatte ex novo di sistemi operativi ovviamente, bisogna reinstallare anche i driver delle periferiche hardware.
I file che vi consentiranno l installazione del vostro prodotto sono prelevabili dalla nostra repository qui. Per l installazione non dobbiamo fare nient altro che collegare il nostro dispositivo e quando richiesto indicare la cartella, magari sul desktop, dove abbiamo salvato i file che vi abbiamo indicato.
In alternativi per i meno esperti del settore i passi da seguire sono pochi e semplice:. Prima di elencarvi i modelli degli scanner vi ricordo che tramite il nostro forum saremo ben lieti di fornirvi supporto.
Vi elenco quindi la lista degli scanner sicuramente riconosciuti dopo l installazione dei driver:. Se non sei tanto pratica con l installazione delle periferiche hardware questa domanda te la devo far per forza: Non posso usarlo su un portatile con Windows 7 64 bit con porta USB in quanto non trovo i drivers.
Puoi prelevare i file necessari qui e installato xp far funzionare il driver presente nel cd della periferica. Per Fabrizio invece seguendo le indicazioni della guida, ed essendo presente lo scanner in lista non ci dovrebbero essere problemi particolari.
Procedi e se hai problemi ci scrivi. Ho uno scaner HP Scanjet C, incluso nella tua lista. Windows 7 a 64 bit installa il tuo driver e mostra lo scanner nei dispositivi. Scusami ma non sono una grande esperta non vorrei combinare qualche guaio.
Eseguire i passi guidati proposti. Al termine scaricherai due programmi. Al termine del download e installazione avrai appunto windows xp eseguito in una finestra. Ti ringrazio per l aiuto.
Ho installato, come suggerito, Windows XP in emulazione e, grazie al driver che ci hai fornito, ora riesco ad usare di nuovo lo scanner. Il sistema vede uno scanner e lo chiama scanner f ma niente da fare. L emulazione di windows xp ora che il tuo scanner viene riconosciuta come periferica di imaging, resta la via possibile da percorrere.
Ciao, ho uno scanner Agfa e50 e dopo aver aggiornato il drive come da vostre indicazioni mi appare il messaggio collegare o accendere lo scanner. Ovviamente sono costretto a premere solo annulla e non riesco ad usare lo scanner. Scusatemi ho dimenticato di dire che lo scanner funziona su win xp mentre non funziona su win 7.
Sapete voi done posso trovare questo driver. In ogni caso la richiesta del driver wia ti viene fatta da qualsiasi softwarenon credo.. Salve mi tovo in possesso di un Canon scanner F. E non ho il CD di istallazione.
Ho provato a scaricare drive generici, ma nulla, sul sito della canon da la possibilita di scaricare drive appropriati ma come si inizia a scaricare si interrompe dicendo impossibile trovare file richiesti.
Registrati al forum in modo da rendere visibile la tua mail e provvedere all invio del file. Ho seguito le istruzioni ma pur essendo apparentemente riconosciuto da Windows 7,compare un messaggio che recita:. Grazie per le indicazioni e per il driver, in XP Mode e sulla VMware adesso funziona tutto, mi hai risolto un problema.
Ciao ho uno scanner canon NU, presente nella lista, ho provato a seguire le tue indicazioni, sia la prima che mi ha installato lo scanner ma non me lo rileva sia la seconda installando windows xp mode che all avvio mi da: Esiste un altra soluzione.
Collegando lo scanner via USB il computer vede lo scanner e mi dice che ha aggiornato i driver. Nello specifico Hp photo and imaging 2. Ad un certo punto mi appare un messaggio che dice impossibile registrare il modulo C: Contattare il personale di supporto.
Ho windows 7 a 64 bit. Il PC Windows 7 64 bit Home indica che il driver funziona perfettamente e invece no. Quando lancio lo scanner mi dice che non trova il driver. Prima di tutto dei grossi complimenti per il fantastico lavoro.
Venendo al caso particolare: Ciao Ragazzi e complimenti per il supporto. Purtroppo possiedo uno Scanner Epson Perfection Presente nel vostro elenco ed ho scaricato i driver generici che mettete a disposizione.
Purtroppo all atto dell installazione, la cosa non va a buon fine. Possiedo Windows 7 a 64bit, seguo passo passo le indicazioni che date, ma i driver non li carica. Grazie a tutti voi. Ed io come scannerizzo un documento senza software.
Salve a tutti e complimenti. Potreste indicarmi un software compatibile con il mio scanner e win7 64 bit. Ne conoscete qualcuno freeware. Devi verificare sul sito hp o altrimenti utilizzare un software di scansione gratuito.
Anche nel mio caso il driver viene installato correttamente ma ovviamente da windows 7 64 bit non posso usare il sw presente nel cd dello scanner, quindi come suggerito agli altri le consiglio di usare un software di virtualizzazione e installare windows xp 32 bit.
Paolo Feliziani e la sig. Come software potreste usare windows fax and scanner o qualsiasi software gratuito come Gimp che consente di usare una periferica di acquisizione immagini. Ho uno scanner Epson Perfection Photo, ho seguito tutte le istruzioni ma non viene riconosciuto, altre idee.
Accertatevi che vi sia una sorgente valida per il vostro scanner nella directory twain presente nella directory windows. Ma il programma per fare le scansioni che mi hanno dato in dotazione con lo scanner non me lo riconosce..
Come faccio ad usarlo. Esiste qualche programma alternativo free che mi riconosce qualunque scanner e mi consente di fare scansioni. Ho provato iCopy ma non lo riconosce. Ho cercato di collegare lo scanner Epson Perfection al nuovo PC ma con windows 7 64 bit ma non prende il driver dal CD in dotazione allora ho scaricato il driver aggiornato a windows 7 64 bit dal sito della Epson, il PC riconosce lo scanner lo fa funzionare ma non mi visualizza la scansione in anteprima per correggere il documento,.
Tuttavia, dopo l installazione, i driver dello scanner continuavano a non essere visibili al Sistema. Ho fatto una prova di scansione e va a meraviglia. L ultima cosa che mancava era la vecchia interfaccia Twain.
Epson Scan, interfaccia completa in inglese se qualcuno la trovasse in italiano non sarebbe male con tantissime opzioni, tre layout e altamente personalizzabile. Comunque mille grazie al responsabile del blog pegasodrago. Grazie alle persone come te che mettono il loro sapere a disposizione degli altri.
Buonasera, non vorrei tediare qualcuno ma ho anch io problemi con un ottimo epson perfetcion foto con relativo cd d installazione che il portatile che monta W VISTA non riesce a riconoscere; se non fosse troppo complicato mi piacerebbe provare a risolvere.
Nella gestione dispositivi vedo solo un triangolo giallo alla linea del Altri dispositivi - controller SCSI ; suppongo sia l indicazione del mio scanner. Vado ad aggiornare il driver selezionando la cartella scaricata e scompattata: Impossibile trovare il software per il dispositivo.
In rete ho trovato i seguenti indirizzi per il mio scanner:. Seguendo i tuoi consigli Windows 7 riconosce lo scanner Perfection e mi dice che funziona correttamente. Ma quando da fax e scanner di Windows cerco di acquisire una nuova digitalizzazione mi appare la solita scritta Nessun scanner rilevato.
Cos altro posso fare. Per Mauro e Luciano il solito consiglio se virtualizzate windows xp riuscirete a utilizzare lo scanner. Potete effettuare quest operazione con virtualmode se avete windows 7 professional o ultimate altrimenti virtualbox per le altre versioni.
Salve sono pietro, ho istallato sul mio computer con w7 64 bit il driver twain per il mio scanner, canon lide 20,lo ha riconosciuto ma adesso non mi fa fare acquisizione di immagini, richiede un driver WIA, come posso fare.
Sto cercando i drivers per il riconoscimento della Multifunzione Epson Stylus Photo RX con Wndows 7, che la riconosce solo come stampante e non come scanner. Potrebbe andare bene Epson Twin v. Qualcuno ha esperienza al riguardo.
Salve sono Vito io ho windows 7 come sistema operativo e non riesco a trovare i driver del mio scanner dell Agfa snapscanu. Io ho seguito il vostro iter, ma non li riesce a trovare desiderei avere un aiuto da voi.
Buongiorno a voi e spero vivamente in un vs. Disponete di un driver generico per questa periferica o siete in grado di indicarmi eventuale sito affidabile dove poterlo scaricare.. Grazie mille anticipatamente per il supporto.
Ho un HP Scanjet C. Ho provato con la procedura indicata selezionando il generico scanjet ma mi restituisce un errore: Salve a tutti, posseggo uno scanner Canon modello Lide 30 che vorrei installare su Windows 8 Pro 64 bit.
Al termine dell operazione di aggiornamento dei drivers visualizzo il seguente messaggio: Il file INF di altri fornitori non contiene le informazioni di firma digitale. Posseggo un hp scanjet c, installando il vostro driver twain, win 7 ultimate lo vede e lo accetta apparentemente benissimo,.
Al momento di usarlo appare un messaggio di errore che richiede un driver WIA appropriato, con conseguente nulla di fatto. Non riesco a far partire un Canon du sun un windows 7 32 bit nonostante abbia scaricato i driver dal link sopra, se qualcuno sa come fare, mi faccia sapere per favore;.
Qualcuno sa spiegarmi come fare. Ho eseguito la procedura indicata e mi da il seguente errore: Installarlo dal CD di installazione o dal sito Web del produttore e riprovare. Ciao, ho installato una multifunzione Canon MP, funziona sia come stampante che come fotocopiatrice, ma lo scanner proprio non va.
Ho provato ad installarlo pur avendo Windows 8. Ho perso il cd dei driver dello scanner espon perfection photo, ho W 7 - mi potresti aiutare. Ciao a tutti, possiedo uno scanner minolta Dimage scan dual IV che mi sta facendo impazzire.
Ho un pc nuovo con windows7 e xpMode. Win7 me lo vede come periferica sconosciuta, e quindi non posso installare nessun driver. Xp mode invece non me lo vede proprio. Ho provato a reinstallare la stampante tramite CD, ma mi da errore e non continua - quindi - con l installazione.
Salve, ho aquistato uno scanner portatile su ebay che funziona a batterie stilo AA. In teoria dovrebbe funzionare anche connesso al cavetto USB senza le batterie il prodotto si chiama skypix TSN ma quando connetto il cavetto non risconosce nessuna periferica.
Sto cercando ovunque driver compatibili ma non ne trovo: Sapete darmi qualche dritta. Grazie alle tue indicazioni sono riuscito a far riconoscere lo scanner Epson Perfection da W7. Rivolegersi al venditore dell hardware.
Poi ho trovato questo articolo Grazie infinite. Salve, mi chiamo Nico Labanca, in questi giorni ho modificato il mio sistema operativo da windows 7 sono passato a windows 8. Io ho uno scanner della Canon lide 30, i driver che possiedo non mi aiutano nel riconoscimento macchina-scanner.
Ho meglio la macchina riconosce l esistenza di un apparato ma non permette l esecuzione di una scannerizzazione. Come posso far funzionare il mio scanner canon F su sistema operativo Windows a64 Bit. Come posso far funzionare il mio scanner canon F su sistema operativo Windows 7 a 64 Bit.
Dopo averlo montato su un computer con SO Win 8. Lo scanner compariva in Gestione Periferiche, ed i relativi drivers installati manualmente erano riconosciuti e perfettamente funzionanti. Eppure l applicazione non partiva.
Stavo battendo la testa nel muro, quando ho notato che cliccando col tasto destro sul collegamento sul desktop usciva l opzione Esegui come Amministratore. Ho letto e trovato molto utile la vostra guida per lo scanner, il driver twain generico e windows 7 64 bit.
Io sono passato da windows xp a windows 8. C e la possibilita di avere il driver twain generico per wind. First your keyword must appear in the title. Then it must appear in the URL. You have to optimize your keyword and make sure that it has a nice keyword density of in your article with relevant LSI Latent Semantic Indexing.
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